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Apple Ball

03/12/2012 16:33

Apple Ball



  1 pack puff pastry (10 flatsheets)

  10 small apples ( Goudreinetten or Elstar) peeled and cored

  20 g sugar

  1 teaspoon cinnamon

  1 egg


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 210 deg C.
  2. Mix the cinnamon and sugar.
  3. Position the apple in the middle of the puff pastry. Fill the apple with sugar and cinnamon mix. 
  4. Moisten the edges of the puff pastry with water. Fold the dough four points together in the center, so the apple is completely enclosed.
  5. Place the apple dumpling with the closed part downwards in an aluminum moulder.
  6. Brush with beaten egg and poke a hole on the top of the apple dumpling.
  7. Bake the apple dumplings in the preheated oven for 25 minutes.