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Greek Yoghurt with Orange Syrup

03/12/2012 12:11

Greek Yoghurt with Orange Syrup


                   500 ml greek yoghurt or any other yoghurt           

                   sliced oranges              

                   orange syrup


                This dessert is so easy to make and the most nice thing is that you can prepare this in advance.

                I used greek yoghurt a  lot to my recipes since it has the perfect consistency, creamy and  blends very well with fruit jams and syrups.

                To Assemble:

                Add some orange slices and 1 T orange syrup. Top it with the greek yoghurt. Repeat until the glass is full.



                                                      ORANGE SYRUP


1 cup sugar                                                 2 teaspoons grated orange rind

1/2 cup orange juice                                   1 tablespoon lemon juice

1 tablespoon golden syrup or molasses or honey             

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 tablespoons orange liqueur (optional)


Combine first 6 ingredients and if desired add orange liqueur in a heavy saucepan; bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat, let it simmer, stirring occasionally about  5 minutes or until sugar dissolves and a little bit sticky. Let it cool. Serve warm or cold.