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Lechon Kawali or Pan Roasted Pork Belly

03/12/2012 14:53

Lechon Kawali or Pan Roasted Pork Belly

This viand is one of our favorite. At first i was scared to make one because of the frying part. But then i discovered that the fries frying pan is perfect for this recipe. Stress and angst free plus you get a very crispy lechon. But of course you can always use the deep pan, just cover it well and wait until the noise is over and that means the meat is fried enough.


 1/2 kilo pork belly              2 pcs dried bay leaves

 1 T whole pepper corn     1/2 tsp ground black pepper

 1/2 tsp powdered garlic    2 tsp salt

enough oil to fry                 chili powder ( when you want it with a little bite)



  1. Pour  the water on a big cooking pot and bring to a boil.You can use pressure- cooker if you have one. 
  2. Put-in the pork belly then add the salt, pepper, garlic powder, chili powder and bay leaves and simmer for 30 minutes in the pressure cooker, if in the pot just check the meat time to time until the meat is tender.
  3. Remove the meat from the pot and let it cool down for a few minutes.
  4. Spread 1 tsp of salt on the meat, make sure to distribute it evenly on all sections
  5. Deep fry the meat. On a dry cooking pot add the cooking oil and heat it up.
  6. When the oil is hot enough, put the meat in the cooking pot and let it cook until the immersed side is brown and the meat’s texture is crispy. If you have a fries frying pan, it's perfect for this part.
  7. Remove the meat from the pan, let it cool down a little then slice according to desired portions.
  8. Serve warm.