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Blueberry Baked Cheesecake

01/01/2014 20:39



                         Blueberry Baked Cheesecake


150 g butter, melted                                     300 g digestive biscuits (sprits), crushed

1 vanilla pod                                                1 lemon, zest and juice

200 g caster sugar                                        50 g cornflour or all purpose flour

375 ml double cream or whipping cream         850 g fat cream cheese (mon chou)

4 large eggs                                                 250 g blueberries (frozen blueberries is fine)


  1. Crush the biscuits and add the melted butter. Press the cookies firmly in the spring form (lined with baking paper and greased in the sides). Bake for 10 minutes and set aside to completely cool down.
  2. Place the vanilla seeds, lemon zest and juice, caster sugar, corn flour or all purpose flour, whip cream and cream cheese in a large bowl and whisk together.
  3. Add the eggs continually whisking until the mixture is smooth, then add the blueberries and stir carefully.
  4. Pour onto the baked base and tap it lightly to the working surface to even the mixture.
  5. Bake for 150 deg C for 1 ½ hour, gas 3,  or until golden brown and just set.
  6. Turn off the oven and leave the cheesecake for 2 hours and refrigerate overnight.
  7. Serve the blueberry cheesecake with blueberry compoté.

Blueberry Compoté

250 g blueberries

100 g caster sugar

Cook the blueberries with the sugar in a saucepan until the sauce thickens.


If you want to have an airy baked cheesecake then follow this recipe by putting 50g cornflour but if you want a little bit chewy then just add 1 ½ Tablespoon cornflour.

The 200g sugar is enough to sweeten the cake but if you want more sweetness then add 295 g of sugar.